Equipment installation visit to peach orchard at Plantaže

The DIPOL team members visited peach orchard at Plantaže to install additional sensor nodes. We added additional soil moisture sensors and pheromone trap and currently all of the devices and sensors are up and running. With this setup we covered all main parts of the orchard. This completes the equipment installation for the peach orchard pilot.

Sensor nodes already sending data from peach orchard at Plantaže
New equipment installed in peach orchard at Plantaze
Team members from UDG and Plantaze got support from our student, mr Ivan Konatar
Previously installed was visited and checked as well.

Panel discussion: “Blockchain technology and applications” at IT2020

DIPOL team members participated in organization and realization of a panel discussion named “Blockchain teechnology and applications” that took place on the last day of IEEE IT2020 conference held in Zabljak on 21. February 2020. The panelist were:

  • Srdjan Kupresanin, BlockStruct, Vienna, Austria
  • Nenad Gligoric, DunavNET, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Zoran Djikanovic, Capital Market Authority, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Djordje Kastratovic, FON, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tomo Popovic (moderator), University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro

The panel was attended by IT2020 attendees and students. The discussion covered blockchain technology, examples of real-life projects, possibility to employ blockchain in financial and agri-food sectors in Montenegro, as well as GDPR and its relation to blockchain.

Srdjan Kupresanin, CEO of BlockStruct from Austria
Dr. Zoran Djikanovic, Capital Market Authority, Montenegro
Dr Nenad Gligoric from DunavNET, Serbia
Dr. Djordje Krivokapic on GDPR and Blockchain,
The discussion resulted entertained a large number of questions from audience
Around 80 people attended the panel in hotel “Gorske oci”, Zabljak

DIPOL presented at the IEEE IT2020 Conference

DIPOL project was featured in a special afternoon session at the IEEE 24th International conference on Information Technology, IT2020 on 21. February, 2020. Our project was presented by the representatives from Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, UDG and DunavNET. In the same session, the initial activities of the H2020 DEMETER project were outlined as well. More about the conference at the following link.

DIPOL project presented in a special afternoon session at IEEE IT2020 conference in Zabljak, ME
The presentation included the project background, objectives and details about ongoing activities

Conference paper on Blockchain presented at IEEE IT2020

Project DIPOL was featured in the paper “A Private Blockchain Implementation Using Multichain Open Source Platform” by A. Ismailisufi, T. Popovic, N. Gligoric, S. Radonjic, S. Sandi. More about the conference at the following link.

ABSTRACT – The impact of digital transformation is becoming visible in every aspect of our lives. Digital transformation strategies mostly rely on disruptive technologies such as Internet of Things, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. Blockchain provides decentralized, immutable, and trustless database distributed across all participants and it was initially proposed as distributed ledger for digital cryptocurrency. However, besides in the finance sector, blockchain technology is considered to be a major innovation enabler in various industries. The paper describes an implementation of a private blockchain using the Multichain open source platform with possible application to agrifood use cases such as food tracking and tracing, product lifecycle management, and counterfeit prevention. Paper can be found at IEEE Xplore online repository here.

Soon to be available through IEEE Xplore Library
At the presentation session, IEEE IT2020 conference

Conference paper on OCR for food supply chain presented at IEEE IT2020

A research paper on possible use of OCR for food track and trace application named “The Use of Tesseract OCR Number Recognition for Food Tracking and Tracing” was presented at IEEE IT2020 conference. The paper was authored by S. Cakic, T. Popovic, S. Sandi, S. Krco, A. Gazivoda. More about the conference at the following link.

ABSTRACT – One of the most interesting enabling technologies for digital transformation is computer vision. Object and character recognition has already become very popular and it is used in everyday life. This research focuses on the use of computer vision to read serial numbers from wine labels in order to enable applications based on tracking and tracing of each individual wine bottle. After experimenting with several OCR tools, an open source software called Tesseract OCR engine was selected for the pilot solution. The paper discusses the implementation and image processioning that improved detection accuracy. The coding was done in the Python programming language. The solution code was tested using real-life like images of wine serial numbers. In addition, a custom built web-based evaluation tool was created and used for the interactive evaluation of the system. Paper can be found in IEEE Xplore online repository here.

Soon to be available in IEEE Xplore Library
At the conference session, IEEE IT2020 conference, Zabljak, ME

Service visit to Naše voće in Nikšić

The DIPOL team members visited Nase voce orchard to re-install the weather station and to perform a maintenance call on the IoT nodes. We added additional soil moisture sensors and currently all of the devices and sensors are up and running.

All of the devices at Nase voce are “alive” and reporting data

Cooperation Agreement with Vučinić Winery ZENTA

The Cooperation agreement between the Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, and the small winery “ZENTA Vučinić” from Rogami near Podgorica, was signed today with the goal of developing cooperation between the private viticulture sector and academy, encouraging and supporting research, scientific and educational activities. The plan is to use this site for precise viticulture piloting within the DIPOL project for testing the latest IoT technology for precise viticulture and evaluate benefits for small wine producers in the region.

ZENTA Vučinić winery is located in Rogami near Podgorica
Irrigation sensors: collaboration with DunavNET and Telekom

Rajković vineyard pilot installation

On February 14, we installed a mini pilot of precision viticulture in a private vineyard Rajković in Kuči near Podgorica. We installed an IoT based weather station, irrigation sensors and a pheromone trap. The vineyard is ran by the Rajković family that has a long history and tradition of producing Montenegrin wine.

Installing a new AgroNET weather station with soil moisture sensors
Digital pheromone trap
Initializing data collection in AgroNET platform for DIPOL project

Peach orchard pilot installation (13. jul Plantaže)

On February 13, we installed weather station, irrigation sensors node, and digital pheromone traps at the peach orchard at the company Plantaze. This setup will constitute the foundation of the pilot for digital experimenting in peach farms in Montenegro. The sensors cover two plots of around 5 ha each.

Setting up the weather station equipped with soil moisture sensors
Irrigation sensor node and digital pheromone trap with remote access
Monitoring the orchard using digital AgroNET platform

Meeting with partners in Novi Sad

UDG management and project team members visited Novi Sad on 5-6 february 2020. During the visit the team met with new partners, BioSense and Faculty of technology, that will collaborate with UDG on the new Centre of Excellence – FoodHub. Also, we met with representatives from our partner organization DunavNET to discuss ongoing activities, DIPOL and H2020 DEMETER, as well as to plan joint efforts relevant to new FoodHub project.

Meeting with DunavNET to discuss ongoing activities and new projects (FoodHub – Centre of Excellence)