Panel discussion: “Blockchain technology and applications” at IT2020

DIPOL team members participated in organization and realization of a panel discussion named “Blockchain teechnology and applications” that took place on the last day of IEEE IT2020 conference held in Zabljak on 21. February 2020. The panelist were:

  • Srdjan Kupresanin, BlockStruct, Vienna, Austria
  • Nenad Gligoric, DunavNET, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Zoran Djikanovic, Capital Market Authority, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Djordje Kastratovic, FON, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tomo Popovic (moderator), University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro

The panel was attended by IT2020 attendees and students. The discussion covered blockchain technology, examples of real-life projects, possibility to employ blockchain in financial and agri-food sectors in Montenegro, as well as GDPR and its relation to blockchain.

Srdjan Kupresanin, CEO of BlockStruct from Austria
Dr. Zoran Djikanovic, Capital Market Authority, Montenegro
Dr Nenad Gligoric from DunavNET, Serbia
Dr. Djordje Krivokapic on GDPR and Blockchain,
The discussion resulted entertained a large number of questions from audience
Around 80 people attended the panel in hotel “Gorske oci”, Zabljak