Digital Summit at IoT Solutions World Congress May 11-12

The organizers of the IoT Solutions World Congress that will take place in Barcelona this fall are organizing a Digital Summit that through their virtual platform. The Summit will take place on May 11-12. In two-days, from the comfort of your home or office, you can learn from a variety of content, hear from awe-inspiring leaders, chat with thousands of peers, and discover the latest disruptive technologies from leading vendors. More information about the Digital Summit and registration can be found at the following link.

Researchers from the University of Donja Gorica will be taking part in this virtual event during the dedicated virtual sessions. You can learn more about IoT Solutions World Congress and the main event in fall at this link.

Click on image to find more about the event

DIPOL project featured at Research Day 2021

For the tenth year in a row, the University of Donja Gorica is organizing the Research Day, which is traditionally held on April 4, and which also marks the Students’ Day. As part of the Research Day, researchers and students present their research papers and projects that have been published and implemented in the current academic year.

The research day is organized with the aim of acquainting the general public and students of basic, master’s and doctoral studies with the research conducted at UDG, their methodology, as well as the data that already exist from those researches. In addition, the Research Day aims to encourage quality and stimulate scientific research, then promote the research of Montenegrin scientists, as well as networking with regional and international initiatives.

Respecting the recommendations and measures of the Ministry of Health of Montenegro, the Day of Research in 2021, unfortunately, cannot be organized as in previous years, but still it was not given up to celebrate it.

Having in mind the above, we present to you only some of the projects that are being implemented at UDG. More information and project presentations are available at the UDG website here.

DIPOL presentation at the Research Day 2021 at UDG