DIPOL team members participated in organization and realization of a panel discussion named “Blockchain teechnology and applications” that took place on the last day of IEEE IT2020 conference held in Zabljak on 21. February 2020. The panelist were:
- Srdjan Kupresanin, BlockStruct, Vienna, Austria
- Nenad Gligoric, DunavNET, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Zoran Djikanovic, Capital Market Authority, Podgorica, Montenegro
- Djordje Kastratovic, FON, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Tomo Popovic (moderator), University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
The panel was attended by IT2020 attendees and students. The discussion covered blockchain technology, examples of real-life projects, possibility to employ blockchain in financial and agri-food sectors in Montenegro, as well as GDPR and its relation to blockchain.