We received our evaluations from the Ministry on DIPOL project implementation results. Both of the evaluation reports coming from independent external experts graded the project with 95/100 points, which makes us very proud, and makes this project a great success!
More importantly, the DIPOL project was used as a platform to engage young researchers and provide the sustainability for research activities in digital transformation in the domain of agriculture and food value chain.
During the project, there was one BSc thesis and four MSc thesis finished. Also, two of the students enrolled in PhD studies, one of which won the PhD stipend from the Ministry of Science. The project research resulted in five publications at scientific-technical conferences and one publication in a scientific journal (SCI level).
A for the sustainability, we participated in writing of various project applications, several of which have been approved. H2020 DEMETER, H2020 TRACEWINDU, H2020 AIMHIGH and Erasmus+ VIRAL were direct result of partnership development and sustainability activities on the project.
During the project, we engaged several industry partners and collaborated with them in the implementation of field pilots: 13. jul Plantaže (precision viticulture and precision agriculture), Naše voće (precision agriculture), Vinarija Rajković (precision viticulture), Piletina Radinović (Poultry farm), and Mesopromet Franca (polutry farming).