Congratulations to our students that formed team GoDigital and successfully participated in the VIRAL hackathon. The topic was the use of IT in agriculture and they won creating a solution for smart irrigation based on the IoT and Cloud for which they earned the first place! More about the event at Tehnopolis website.
Panel Discussion: Smart Tags, Circular Economy and Personalization (IOTSWC2021)
UDG participated in the panel titled “Smart Tags, Circular Economy and Personalization” that took place on May 12th at the Digital Summit organized by IoT Solutions World Congress.
Event Abstract:
The rapid rise of consumers scanning makes GS1 Digital Link a game-changer for the consumer products industry — in particular, apparel, beauty, and luxury brands but also brands desiring to deliver very specific targeted content to their customers such as nutraceuticals,” says Dominique Guinard, CTO and Co-founder, EVRYTHNG and Co-chair of the GS1 Digital Link Standard Development Work Group. 74% of consumers claim to switch to a brand that provides more in-depth product information. In this session we will discuss the use of smart tags for circular economy and personalization. Product identities are converging to the Web and tag prices are coming down. We will also discuss the recent EU-wide Digital Green Certificate as the certificate will include a QR code with information about the holder’s vaccination, test or recovery status as well as a digital signature to authenticate that information.
Event info: Link
Slides: Link