This is one of major outputs of the project – Mr Balsa Lazarevic just defended his Master thesis titled “Managing Weather Data for the Use in Agriculture”. The work focuses on aggregation and management of weather data that can be used for supporting farmers and their individual needs. The idea is to provide higher level of details both for forecast and actual weather data coming from various data sources.
ABSTRACT – This thesis deals with the issue of using meteorological data for optimization of yields and mechanization in agriculture in Montenegro. Proper and timely actions, such as protecting crops from inclement weather or optimally irrigating them, can reduce costs and increase their yields. Digital transformation in all sectors of the economy, and in agriculture, has provided innovative and better solutions to problems that have always plagued farmers. The system described, and applied in this paper, collects, analyzes and provides reliable meteorological data to users for any (micro) location in Montenegro. Furthermore, it enables farmers to set up and send notifications via SMS or email in the event of certain weather conditions, as well as digital connectivity to the machinery (e.g. irrigation system) and its automation.