As a result of sustainability, internationalization, partnership development, and new proposal writing activities, DIPOL project partners achieved a major milestone. We joined a great consortium, worked on the proposal for new Horizon 2020 grant that was accepted and will be supported by the European Commission. This is a very important result of efforts by DIPOL partners and collaborators. The project is called “DEMETER – Building an Interoperable, Data-Driven, Innovative and Sustainable European Agri-Food Sector”. DEMETER’s goal is the creation of a secure and sustainable European IoT technology and business ecosystem whose impact could be transformative in the EC food and agriculture sector, and potentially across the world. The is one of the largest project in this domain in Europe. More info at the following link.
The DEMETER Project is a large-scale deployment of farmer centric interoperable smart farming-IoT based platforms delivered through a series of 20 pilots across 18 countries (15 States in the EU). Involving 60 partners, DEMETER adopts a multi-actor approach across the value chain (demand and supply), with 25 deployment sites, 6,000 farmers and over 38,000 devices and sensors being deployed and participants involved come from different production sectors (dairy, meat, vegetables, fruit and arable crops), production systems (conventional and organic) and different farm sizes and types, optimising the data analysis obtained across multiple farms. DEMETER will demonstrate the real-life potential of advanced standards-based interoperability between IoT technologies by adapting and extending existing standards into an overarching Agricultural Information Model, concurrently ensuring security, privacy and business confidentiality across the full value chain in multiple agri-food operational environments.
This is another Horizon 2020 project for the University of Donja Gorica and company “13. jul Plantaže”. Together with DIPOL partner, company DunavNet from Novi Sad, they will be responsible for implementing the Montenegrin pilot.